12 | Understanding your child's zodiac and using this to help you parent

12 | Understanding your child's zodiac and using this to help you parent

A Mothers Narrative Podcast - Understanding your child's zodiac and using this to help you parent 

In this episode I talk with Brooke from Various Friends to talk all things astrology,  to help you understand your zodiac as a mother, as well as your children's zodiacs to use this to help you parent. 

We also explore manifesting and the relation of astrology and manifesting, Brooke shares what this means to her and how she incorporates it into her life. 

Listen through the Apple podcast app here.



Podcast Summary 

In this episode, Brooke Macqueen from Various friends goes into depth about the meaning of astrology and understanding  your zodiac better as a mother, as well as understanding your children's zodiacs to be able to use this information in your parenting and to better understand your children. 

A mothers narrative podcast

A mother narrative podcast